What did the A-League Men get up to during Jets:TOUR 2023?
The Jets:TOUR powered by Greater Bank hit the road in September with the A-League Men’s team heading to Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour.
The Jets attended primary schools, conducted a skills clinic for aspiring young footballers, and played a match against Brisbane Roar to C.ex International Stadium.
The Jets:TOUR schedule included:
Sunday 17 September
- Jets:PLAY Clinic – 2:30pm - 3:30pm, Wayne Richards Park, Port Macquarie
Monday 18 September
- Jets:PLAY Clinic – 4:30pm - 5:30pm, McLean St Oval, Coffs Harbour
Tuesday 19 September
- Open Training Session - 10:00am, C.ex International Stadium, Coffs Harbour
Wednesday 20 September
- A-League Men’s exhibition Match v Brisbane Roar – 7:00pm, C.ex International Stadium, Coffs Harbour