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School holiday savings

7 fun activities for a fraction of the price

It's that time of the year again. The school holidays are right around the corner.

While the kids are excited to be taking a well-earned break from their school day routine, you may be looking at a challenging few weeks ahead.

Whether you've got little kids in primary school or teenagers, we've put together some low-cost activities that'll keep your family entertained for hours.

1. See what's on in your town or city

Many councils across Australia host school holiday activities. The best bit? They’re usually totally free.

Jump on your local council's website to see what's on offer.

You might find organised play groups, nature-based meet-ups, and even yoga classes for kids.

The library is another great source of entertainment. Many put on story and craft activities for younger kids and you can pick up a few books while you’re there.

2. Explore the great outdoors

Fresh air is good for the soul, so spend some time in nature this school holidays.

The possibilities really depend on where you live. You could take a day trip to a nearby national park for a leisurely walk—just be sure to check online whether the walk is suitable for kids or strollers before you set off.

Or, you could spend the afternoon at the beach, building sandcastles, exploring rock pools, playing a bit of beach cricket, and swimming if it's warm enough. Don't forget the sun protection!

For something closer to home, why not pack a picnic to enjoy in the neighbourhood park? Grab a blanket, some sandwiches, fruit, and maybe a sweet treat or two.

3. Immerse yourself in arts and culture

Art galleries and museums are another great place to spend time during the school holidays. Look for kid-friendly exhibitions, and see if there are any special events.

Younger children will love the craft activities many galleries offer, while older kids will leave feeling inspired and ready to start their own artistic creations.

4. Visit a local animal shelter

Many animal shelters are open to the public and need people to play with the cats and dogs—it's a huge help.

If you have an animal lover in the family, it’s one way you can keep them entertained while also helping an important cause.

5. Get stuck into a deep bedroom clean

Getting the kids to clean their room is a challenge, but hear us out. You can ignite a bit of excitement by explaining to them that any unused or unwanted toys or clothes can be donated—as long as they're in good condition.

Use storage tubs or even laundry baskets to create piles: keep, donate, and throw away. You and your kids can then sort their belongings accordingly or you could try listing some items on marketplaces for a bit of extra pocket money.

6. Host a themed at-home family night

You can customise this activity to suit your kids' ages and interests. To help you get started, here are some ideas:

Movie night

Pick a few movies or a series to watch and stock up on everyone's favourite snacks. You could even make a treat that matches the theme of the movie.

Dance party

Get dressed up and dance the night away! If you have a dedicated Swiftie in your household, encourage their passion and get involved. Set up a dance floor by moving furniture aside and see what decorations you can borrow or source to light up the space. Rally the troops, make the friendship bracelets, pop on a themed costume and crank up the music.

Board game tournament

Love a bit of friendly competition? Host a family board game tournament. Choose a couple of games and play elimination style. Make sure there's a prize for the winner!

Spa night

This is a great one for the older kids. Set up a few pamper stations in your home—think nail painting, foot spas, and face masks with a well-loved movie or curated playlist in the background.


Think ahead and style your own photo shoot with the kids, friends or even pets that you can then frame up or use for personalised gifts throughout the year. That way you’ll save on a professional, make some lovely memories and spend hours of entertainment coming up with different styling ideas.

7. Create a masterpiece in the kitchen

Flick through your recipe books, scroll socials, or search online for a recipe your kids really like the look of. Grab the ingredients and spend the afternoon cooking and baking together before getting everyone together for a taste test.

Best school holidays ever

Don’t forget school holidays are a great time to spend some quality time with your loved ones. With a bit of creativity and planning both you and your kids can make the most of the time you have together without costing a fortune.

This article is intended to provide general information of an educational nature only. Information in this article is current as at the date of publication.

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