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Finance Academy Lesson Plan

The short course comprises of 4 core subjects and 3 electives

Core subjects

Introduction to Financial Literacy

What is financial literacy?

The Fundamentals of Financial Literacy

How do we value money and what is our relationship with it? Why is financial literacy declining? Physical money vs digital money.

Savings and Budgeting

Wants vs needs, savings strategies, resources for tracking your savings and budget.

Credit and Debt Banking

Credit and debt. Spending choices. What is a credit rating and why is it important?



What does investing mean? What type of investments are there? Risk v reward. 

Cybercrime and scams

Online and in-person scams. Staying safe online. 


Your rights and responsibilities as an employee. Reading your payslip. What is superannuation and why is it important?

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Lesson 2

The Fundamentals of Financial Literacy - why is financial literacy declining? how do we value money and what is our relationship with it? physical money vs digital money.

Lesson 3

Saving and Budgeting - wants vs needs, savings strategies, current resources for tracking savings and budget.